Writers’ Guidelines

Mystery Readers Journal goes out to over 2,000 international mystery readers. Each quarterly issue focuses on a different theme. Upcoming issues are:

London Mysteries – Deadline: Nov. 1, 2024

Retail Murders
Northern California

MRJ is a wonderful source for fans and readers to find new authors that they might enjoy. Think of it as talking to a friend about books. We are not a scholarly or academic publication (no footnotes). We do not publish fiction.

Short reviews and articles focusing on the theme of the issue are welcome, as well as author essays. Reviews of a single book should be 200 words or less, articles around 1000 words, author essays 500-1000 words. Any format will do; we can take Word doc or docx, RTF, or even Apple’s Pages.app.

We like to add a very short “about the author” paragraph at the end of your article—2-3 sentences about you, plus a link to your website, if applicable. You can also include a note about your next book or work-in-progress if you haven’t already mentioned it in your article.

Articles should be sent via email (either in the email or as an attachment) to janet@mysteryreaders.org. Subject line of the email should read: Mystery Readers Journal (and theme of issue, ex: Senior; Ireland). Submission of an article will be considered permission to publish it. No simultaneous submissions.

We’re sorry we can’t provide monetary compensation, but we will send you a complimentary PDF copy of the issue in which your essay appears.