Mystery Readers International supports and promotes all mystery reading groups. If you are part of a reading group, please forward information on meeting times, location, contact names and numbers, e-mail and web site. You don’t have to be an affiliate of MRI to be listed on this site. The motto of MRI is “enriching the lives of mystery readers.”
Want to start your own group? Read this article for information.
Athens: MYSTERY BOOK CLUB meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM at the Athens-Limestone Public Library, 405 E. South St. For more info, e-mail Paula Laurita at
Scottsdale: COFFEE AND CRIME Mystery Discussion Club meets the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10:30 AM at The Poisoned Pen. Books are chosen by the members. For more info, e-mail or call 480-947-2974.
Scottsdale: HARDBOILED DISCUSSION CLUB meets the 4th Thursday (sometimes Wednesday) of each month at 7 PM at The Poisoned Pen. Books are chosen by the club’s leader. For more info, e-mail or call 480-947-2974.
Little Rock: ORIENT EXPRESS mystery discussion group meets at the Barnes and Noble in Little Rock. Everyone welcome. Meetings are held the first Sunday of each month at 6 PM. For more info, e-mail Jan Emberton at
Anaheim: SLEUTHS & SPIES meet at the Anaheim Central Library, 500 W. Broadway, on the third Saturday of each month at 1 PM. Contact Sue DeBus at
Benicia: HIGH CRIMES meets the first Thursday of every month, 7:30 PM, at Bookshop Benicia, 856 Southampton Road, in the Southampton Shopping Center. Moderated by David Hagerty. Call 707-747-5155 for more information.
Berkeley: MYSTERY READERS INTERNATIONAL, NORCAL CHAPTER has an ongoing mystery discussion group. Group meets Tuesdays, 7-9 PM. 510-845-3600. This group has been meeting for over 30 years. Contact Janet A. Rudolph, Moderator.
Burbank: MURDER & TEA READING GROUP (“Would you like a spot of tea with your murder?”) meets at 7 PM on the 15th of each month at Barnes & Noble, 731 N. San Fernando Rd. Call ahead if the 15th falls on a Friday night or a weekend night for alternate location. For more information, contact the store at 818-558-1383 or visit the group’s web site at
Castro Valley: MYSTERY READING GROUP. Camille Minichino leads a group at the Castro Valley Library, 3600 Northbridge Avenue, first Tuesday of the month. Contact, or the library at 510-670-6280 for more information. Members choose selections; all subgenres of crime fiction considered!
Encinitas: MYSTERIES TO DIE FOR, Barnes & Noble Mystery Readers Group, first Tuesday of the month at 7 PM. Facilitated by Sandy Ceren. Call Jane Mitten at 760-943-6400.
Los Altos: MYSTERY READERS’ GROUP meets at the Los Altos Library on the first Wednesday of every month from 10:15-11:30 AM. It is a group of 15-20 people, many of whom have been mystery readers for years. More information is available on the library’s web site.
Menlo Park: MYSTERY READERS GROUP from the Menlo Park Library meets virtually on the third Wednesday of each month, 3 PM PT via Zoom. More information and registration at the library’s website calendar.
Morro Bay: 4TH FRIDAYS MYSTERY READERS meet at the Morro Bay Library, 625 Harbor St., on the 4th Friday of each month from 10 AM-noon. Contact Karen Robert at, visit, or call 805-225-3131.
Oakland: EAST BAY MYSTERY READERS’ GROUP meets at 7 PM the first Tuesday of the month and discusses 1-3 titles each month. E-mail L.J. Roberts at or call 510-482-1677 for more information and directions. To learn more about the group, visit the EBMRG web site. Seeking new members.
Pleasanton: TOWNE CENTER MYSTERY BOOK CLUB meets at 7 PM on the third Tuesday of each month at Towne Center Books, 555 Main Street. Facilitated by Ann Parker (and sometimes others). Visit the store’s book club page, call 925-846-8826 or email for more information.
Sacramento area: MYSTERY BOOK CLUB meets on the second Monday of every month at the Barnes & Noble store at Birdcage Walk, 6111 Sunrise Blvd., Citrus Heights. Call 916-853-1511 or visit the store’s web site for more information.
San Diego: BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP at Mysterious Galaxy, 7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., #302. Also, check for signings. Call 858-268-4747.
San Diego: MYSTERY BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP meets at the Mission Hills Public Library on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Join us at 6:30 PM at the library at 925 W. Washington. For information regarding book selections and special events, please call 619-692-4910.
San Diego: MYSTERY READERS GROUP is offered by the Hazard Center Barnes & Noble on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7 PM. This group generally reads two books per month—one “cozy” and one not. New members are always welcome. For directions and information regarding book selections and special events, please call the bookstore at 619-220-0175.
San Fernando Valley: THURSDAYS ARE MURDER mystery book club usually meets the third or fourth Thursday of the month at a valley-area restaurant. We read one book per month, and occasionally have an author as a guest. Please contact Suzanne Epstein,, or call 818-389-2655 for more information.
San Francisco: BROWN BAG MYSTERY READERS at the Mechanics’ Institute Library meets on the second Monday of each month, at noon. It is an eclectic bunch of mystery aficionados who love everything mystery, and enjoy talking about a wide variety of books. Another group, THE FIRST WEDNESDAY MYSTERY BOOK GROUP, meets at the library at 5:30 PM on the first Wednesday of each month. For more information, including a list of upcoming selections, visit the library’s web site.
San Francisco: MYSTERY READERS INTERNATIONAL book discussion group meets the third Wednesday of the month. 2-3 titles discussed each month. Call or e-mail Frances Neagley at 415-431-3447 or Joanna Warrens at 415-681-6412 for more information. Seeking new members.
San Leandro: MYSTERY READING GROUP. Candice Knight moderates a mystery reading group in San Leandro (meeting places changes monthly). Contact or 510-632-7122 for more information.
Yorba Linda: WHO DONE IT? meets at the Yorba Linda Public Library on the 4th Monday of each month at 2 PM. For more information, contact or call 714-579-0234.
Durham: MYSTERY BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP meets on the third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM, at the Durham Public Library. This is an informal, fun group that welcomes new members. Contact Cyndi Shirshac at 860-349-9544.
Farmington: FARMINGTON LIBRARY MYSTERY READERS GROUP meets on the second Thursday of each month from 7:30-9 PM. “A group of mystery-lovers who democratically choose the books for the year, have great conversations, and occasionally have a visit from an author.” Contact Carole Shmurak; the library’s telephone number is 860-673-6791.
Ivoryton: TEA AND MURDER meets on the third Friday of the month at 4 PM at the Ivoryton Library. For information, call Elizabeth Alvord at 860-767-1252.
New Milford: FRIDAY FORUM is a group of maximum 15 members who meet on a monthly basis (3rd Friday at 1 PM) to discuss award winning mystery fiction. “We have a great time talking about the literary merits, why it won the award, and what drives the plot (among lots of other issues that don’t always relate to the book!).” For more information, please visit or call 860-355-1191.
Simsbury: SIMSBURY LIBRARY MYSTERY READERS GROUP meets on the second Monday of the month from noon-1:30 PM. This group has a thematic focus (this fall it’s mysteries set in Italy, this spring the urban detective). The books are chosen by Carole Shmurak, a retired professor and published author, who also leads the discussion. Contact Carole Shmurak; the library’s telephone number is 860-658-7663.
Windsor Locks: THE CHRISTIE CAPERS is a monthly mystery discussion group at Windsor Locks Public Library. We meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month starting at 7 PM. Books chosen by the group for discussion include cozies, police procedurals, academics, and suspense thrillers. Visit the web site for a reading list and schedule. Contact: Eileen Pearce, Adult Services Librarian, at Phone: 860-627-1495.
Cocoa: IT’S A MYSTERY Book Group meets on the third Thursday of each month from 1-2 PM at the Central Brevard Library and Reference Center at 308 Forrest Ave. in Cocoa, FL. Everyone is welcome and refreshments are served! For more information, contact Rosemary Webb at
Melbourne: MYSTERY READERS INTERNATIONAL. Connie Ross heads the MRI chapter in Florida. Group meets in different homes on the first Tuesday evening of each month. Contact Connie Ross at 4156 Sparrow Hawk Road, Melbourne, FL 32934 or call 242-7386.
Micco: HAVEN’T GOT A CLUE meets on the second Thursday of the month at 2 PM at the South Mainland Library, 7921 Ron Beatty Blvd. Everyone is welcome and registration is not required. Call 772-664-4066 or contact Diane Vosatka at for more information.
Tallahassee: MYSTERY READERS GROUP. MRI member Alan C. Rollins facilitates a mystery readers discussion group the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM. Meetings take place at My Favorite Book bookstore in Market Square, just off Timberlane. For more information, write to: Alan C. Rollins, 3239 Yorktown Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32312-2068 or e-mail
Atlanta: THE ANSLEY PARK MYSTERY BOOK CLUB is made up of men and women and meets monthly in private homes. The group votes on titles to read. A member leads the discussion each month. Membership is for residents of the Ansley Park community only and has 20 members with a waiting list of five. Our current agenda of titles is drawn from mystery genre authors from around the globe. Director is Marge McDonald; co-director is Julia Emmons. Contact
Blairsville: NAILED BOOK CLUB meets on the first Friday of every month at 10 AM at the G & G Bakery & Cafe, Hwy 515/SR76. NBC is open currently to all interested mystery/thriller lovers. We uniquely are open to not only both women and men, but also homebound. This is the first Mystery/Thriller book club in our mountain area and though there are 4-5 other known book clubs, they are of historical, non-fiction or like genres. As this is something newly available in our area, we are hoping our “like-minded” enthusiasts come forth! Authors welcome! Contact facilitator Rhonda Brigman at or visit the “Nailed Book Club” (NBC) Facebook Group Page.
Forest Park: CENTURIES & SLEUTHS mystery reading group. 7419 W. Madison St.; 708-771-7243. Third Saturday at 2 PM. Books are available at Centuries & Sleuths Bookstore the month prior to the reading. Visit the store’s website or e-mail for more information.
Lisle: MURDER AMONG FRIENDS reading group meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7 PM at the Lisle Library. The reading list is available on the library’s web site. For more information, contact Patti Ruocco at
Peoria: BOOK.EM mystery readers discussion group, sponsored by the Peoria Public Library, meets the 3rd Sunday of the month at 2 PM at the Lakeview Branch Library. For more information call Trisha at 309-672-8841 or e-mail
Rockford: MYSTERY READING GROUP meets in the mystery section of Barnes & Noble on East State St. on the third Wednesday of the month, except December, at 7:30 PM. For more information, e-mail and please reference the reading group in the subject line. New members welcome.
Schaumburg: MURDER BY THE BOOK meets four times a year at the Schaumburg Township District Library (Central Library) and discusses a wide range of mystery genres, such as historical, legal/medical and police/PI, noir, cozy and classic. All are welcome to attend. A limited number of loan copies of the book will be available on a first-come first-served basis one month prior to the discussion from the Fiction desk. The reading list is available on the library’s web site.
Chesterton: MAD ABOUT MYSTERIES meets on the second Wednesday of every month at 2 PM in the parlor of the Brown Mansion, the home of the Westchester Township History Museum. The group is free of charge and open to all mystery lovers. The museum is located at 700 W. Porter Ave. Call 219-983-9715 for more information.
Bettendorf: MYSTERY BOOKS DISCUSSION GROUP at the Bettendorf Public Library on the fourth Saturday of the month (unless a holiday intervenes) 9:30-11 AM, September through May. Contact: Hedy N. R. Hustedde, 2950 Learning Campus Drive, Bettendorf IA 52722; phone 563-344-4175, fax 563-344-4185.
Sioux City: BOOKED ON CRIME, mystery readers club associated with the Sioux City Public Library, meets in the Wilbur Aalfs Library, 529 Pierce St., third Thursday of every month at 7 PM. For more information, contact Barbara J. Larsen, 2411 Deer Run Trail, Hornick, IA 51026-8050, 712-876-2805.
Lawrence: THE RAVEN BOOKSTORE has two mystery reading groups. One meets on the first Friday of every month at noon; the other meets the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM. Both groups meet at the Free State Brewery, 636 Massachusetts, around the corner from the bookstore. The store keeps a list of what the next book for each group is. For more information, contact Pat Kehde at or 785-749-3300.
Newton: NEWTON PUBLIC LIBRARY MYSTERY LOVER’S BOOK CLUB meets on the first Wednesday of each month. Mystery Lover’s Book Club explores the mystery genre in all forms, from historical mysteries, modern crime, suspense, thrillers, and everything in between. If you are interested in joining the Mystery Lover’s Book Club please contact Newton Public Library at, call 316-283-2890, or send us a private message on Facebook.
Scott: LAFAYETTE PUBLIC LIBRARY MYSTERY BOOK CLUB meets on the the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM at the West Regional Branch, 501 Old Spanish Trail. For information, contact Devin Melancon at, or call 337-345-8536. Book selections are available here.
Burtonsville: FAIRLAND LIBRARY MYSTERY BOOK DISCUSSION meets on the first Wednesday night of each month at 7 PM at the Montgomery County Public Library, Fairland Branch, 14910 Old Columbia Pike. For information, call the library at 240-773-9460, or see the library’s web site.
Columbia: THE USUAL SUSPECTS MYSTERY BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP meets monthly. Contact Carol Hutton for information at
Stevensville: MYSTERY TALKS meets at the Kent Island Branch of the Queen Anne’s County Public Library, 200 Library Circle, on the last Monday of the month at 7 PM. For information, contact David Magayna at or 96 Forest Garden Rd., Stevenson MD 21666 (please do not to send mail to the group at the library address).
Athol: A MYSTERY BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7 PM at the Athol Public Library. We take the summers off, from June through August. Books are chosen by the group leader. This group has been meeting regularly since 1994, and has entertained visits from such authors as Archer Mayor, Robert Parker, Sara Stewart Taylor, and Jackie French Koller. Newcomers are welcome! For more information, contact Karen McNiff at 978-249-9515.
Brockton: THE MONDAY NIGHT MYSTERY GROUP meets on the first Monday of the month, October through May, from 6:30-7:45 PM at the Brockton Public Library’s Main branch, 304 Main St. Each year the group explores a different theme such as Detectives with Personality or Mysteries Around the World. New members always welcome anytime. Exact dates, monthly selections, and contact information are posted on the library’s web site.
Framingham: MYSTERY READING GROUP meets on the first Sunday of each month at 7 PM at Barnes & Noble in Shopper’s World. Books are chosen by the group. For more information, contact Dottie MacKeen at
Manchester: MYSTERY BOOK CLUB meets on the last Friday of the month (with some exceptions) at 10:30 AM in the reading room of the Manchester-by-the-Sea Public Library, 15 Union St. “Our meetings are very animated, and we welcome new members!” The schedule and reading list are available on the library’s web site.
Otsego: MYSTERY/READING DISCUSSION GROUPS meet at the Otsego District Library, 219 S. Farmer St. The 2nd Thursday of each month is the Mystery Book Club at 6:45 PM. The 3rd and 4th Mondays of each month at 10 AM is Agatha Club, where the group reads, discusses and watches video if available of only Agatha Christie works in order written. For information, contact
N. Oakland County: MYSTERIOUS MADAMES meets at various locations on the first Wednesday of the month to discuss the selected book over brunch. Members take turns choosing the book and planning activities such as mystery bookstore visits, outings to movies or plays, etc. For more information, contact Lori Rapp at
Roseville/St. Paul: RANSOM NOTES, a mystery reading and discussion group, meets at the Har Mar Mall Barnes and Noble Bookstore on the fourth Tuesday of every month, except in December. The meetings begin at 7 PM and last about 90 minutes. The bookstore is at 2100 North Snelling Avenue; for information, call 651-639-9256 or e-mail Carl Brookins at Visitors are always welcome.
Twin Cities: ONCE UPON A CRIME Mystery Reading Group meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM, except June, July & August. The bookstore is at 604 W. 26th St., Minneapolis; for information, call 612-870-3785 or visit the store’s web site.
Twin Cities: SAINTS AND SINNERS Mystery Reading Group meets first Saturday of the month, 1 PM, Roseville Branch of the Ramsey County Public Library. For more information contact Barbara Skoglund at 1969 Price Ave., Maplewood, MN 55109, or phone 612-748-9771.
Jackson area: AN HOUR TO KILL meets the third Tuesday of the month at 6:15 PM in Clinton, a suburb of Jackson. “We welcome new members if they love mysteries, mostly cozies. We choose a different paperback every month and buy 3 months of books at a time.” For more information contact Carol Kirk at, or phone 601-925-3846.
Kirkwood: MYSTERY READERS GROUP meets the third Wednesday of every month at 2 PM at the Kirkwood Public Library meeting room. “We read everything under the sun as long as it isn’t terribly violent.” For more information, please call 314-821-5770 option 2 or email
Henderson: THE MYSTERY READERS BOOK CLUB meets at 6:15 PM the second Tuesday of the month at Paseo Verde Library, 280 S. Green Valley Parkway. For more information, call 702-492-7252.
Reno: OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, through the University of Nevada, Reno) has a mystery readers group that meets on the second Monday of the month, from 12-1:30 PM, at 604 West Moana Lane. For more information, visit the OLLI web site.
New Jersey
Marlton: YOURS IN CRIME Mystery Group meets the 4th Monday of the month at 7:30 PM at Barnes & Noble, 200 West Route 70. For more information, call Karenne Snow at 856-596-6881 or e-mail
New Mexico
Santa Fe: MYSTERY BOOK CLUB meets at the La Farge Library in Santa Fe on the third Monday of the month at 10 AM, except for legal holidays and Christmas, when we meet in a member’s home. We prepare our entire book list one year in advance and generally designate one member to lead the discussion. To get in touch, contact Elaine at or Iris at
New York
Albany: MYSTERY READING GROUP at the Book House, Stuyvesant Plaza. Contact Chris Myers, 518-235-0249.
Merrick: THE MERRICK LIBRARY MYSTERY LOVER’S BOOK CLUB meets one Wednesday every month except August at 7:30 PM in the Merrick Library. Check the library website for dates. Books are generally chosen by the group leader, but members have input as well.
New York: THE WOLFE PACK meets on the third Monday of the month (except for holidays and in July), every other month, from 7-9 PM. The discussion group is working its way through the Nero Wolfe stories chronologically, and will be starting the novellas for the 2003-2004 season. The group meets at O’Casey’s, 22 E. 41st St. Ask for the Wolfe Pack when you arrive. Dinner is from the restaurant menu (light fare, full meals, and libations) with separate checks. Reservations are not necessary. For more information, contact Carol Novak at or visit the group’s web site.
THE SOCIETY OF SEDENTARY SLEUTHS (SSS, for short) is a book group in Central New York state (not New York City). E-mail JoAnne Bowers to be contacted with all the info about the group. By the way, JoAnne runs Cemetery Plots, specializing in collectible mystery books and book searches. 315-762-5540.
Saratoga Springs: BETTER OFF READ meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 11-12 PM at the Saratoga Springs Public Library, 49 Henry Street. See the events calendar to see what we are reading. Ask for Better Off Read when you arrive. 518-584-7860 x247. Contact Kali Nagler at
North Carolina
Winston-Salem: MYSTERY BOOK CLUB meets on the second Saturday of each month, from 10:30-11:30 AM, at the Reynolda Manor Branch Library, 2839 Fairlawn Drive. “We welcome new members… we very much enjoy having authors come to our meetings.” Contact Sandi Appel at 336-727-2948 or
Akron: I LOVE A MYSTERY group meets the fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM at the Portage Lakes Branch of the Akron-Summit County Public Library. Contact Sue Rice at 330-644-7050.
Columbus: Annette M. Houck has a MYSTERY READING GROUP. Contact her at 614-459-6617.
Perry: MYSTERY BOOK CLUB meets on the last Wednesday of every month at 7 PM at the Perry Public Library. The group reads two selections each month, one of which is chosen by the members. For current selections and other information, contact David Newyear at 440-259-3300, e-mail, or visit the group’s web site.
Tipp City: MYSTERY LOVERS meets every third Monday at 7 PM at the Tipp City Public Library, 11 E Main St. Selections are chosen by the leader with lots of group input. We do a variety of sub-genres with the possible exception of hard-boiled. Members take turns bringing delicious desserts. Contact or leave a message for Sue at 937-667-3826.
Twinsburg: THE RAVENNA RD. IRREGULARS mystery discussion group meets the 1st Thursday of the month at 7 PM at Twinsburg Public Library, 10050 Ravenna Rd. For more information contact Bobbie Wayne at
Ashland: ASHLAND MYSTERY READERS GROUP meets on the second Friday of each month at 6 PM at Bookwagon New and Used Books. “We would love authors to stop by if they are in the area. Ashland is a perfect overnight for a wonderful drive between SF and Portland, 5 hours from each city.” E-mail Maureen Flanagan at maureen (at) booksandoldlace (dot) com. For more information, visit the group’s web site
Portland: BLOODY THURSDAYS: Sponsored by Friends of Mystery. All meetings at 7:30 PM at the NW Neighborhood Cultural Center, 1819 NW Everett. Social Hours at 7 PM precede each meeting. To find out more (and to join), write to Friends of Mystery, PO Box 8251, Portland, OR 97207, or contact Jay Margulies, 503-241-0759. To receive an electronic copy of the Blood-Letter, their newsletter, send e-mail to
Portland: FRIENDS OF MYSTERY READING GROUP meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at the auditorium of Providence Good Samaritan Hospital, 1040 NW 22nd Ave. Free parking available in hospital garage. For more information, visit the group’s web site, or call 503-241-0759.
Blue Bell: MYSTERY BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP meets at the Wissahickon Valley Public Library, 650 Skippack Pike (Rte. 73) at 2 PM on the third Saturday of the month. Books are listed on the library’s website. For more information, contact Frances Young at or call the library at 215-643-1320.
Broomall: MYSTERY BOOK CLUB meets the 1st Tuesday of the month at the Barnes & Noble store at the Lawrence Park Shopping Center. Welcomes new members. Contact David English at 610-353-3255 or
Mechanicsburg: MECHANICSBURG MYSTERY BOOK SHOP, 6 Clouser Rd., has three book discussion groups. To join, stop in during business hours, call 717-795-7470, or visit the store’s website for more information.
New Cumberland: MYSTERY DISCUSSION GROUPS meet on the first Thursday of each month, at 10:30 AM and 7 PM, in the New Cumberland Public Library’s Browsing Room. For more information, contact discussion leader Ruth Greiner at
Oakmont: MYSTERY LOVERS BOOKSHOP has six mystery book discussion groups! A detailed schedule can be found at
Philadelphia: READERS OF THE LOST ARC(HAEOLOGY) reads mysteries with anthropological/ archaeological/ historical themes. Meets the third Monday of the month, September – June, at the Library of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. All are welcome. Contact Anita Fahringer at 215-898-1024.
Pittsburgh: MYSTERY BOOK CLUB meets on the last Monday of every month at 7:30 PM at Barnes & Noble, South Hills Village. Contact A. McCarthy at for more information.
Pittsburgh: RED HERRING BOOK CLUB meets on the third Friday of the month at 1 PM in the Large Print Room on the First Floor of Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Main (Oakland). Join us for lively discussions of your favorite mystery novels. Discussions are free and open to the public. No registration is necessary. We usually have copies of the current month’s book available for you to check out at the Ask a Librarian desk on the First Floor of the Main Library. This book group meets monthly from March through December. For more information email Melissa at
Poconos: THE CLOAK & DAGGER LITERARY SOCIETY mystery readers group meets Monday nights at 6:30 p.m. every six weeks. Meetings are held at the Pocono Mountain Public Library in Tobyhanna. Call 570-894-8860 for more info.
South Carolina
Greenville: MYSTERY READING GROUP meets on alternate Thursdays at 12:30 PM at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Furman University. For more information, visit the OLLI website.
South Dakota
Yankton: MURDER BY THE BOOK CLUB meets at the Yankton Community Library, the third Thursday of every month, 7-9 PM. The group reads one-minute mysteries, acts out mysteries and attends/performs mystery dinner theaters. The group also invites various mystery authors to talk and sign books. For more information, call 605-665-1004.
Austin: TUESDAYS ARE TO DIE FOR meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM at Barnes & Noble Booksellers Sunset Valley, 5601 Brodie Lane. “We are a group of 8 to 10 regular readers (depending on the night) who have been meeting for years.” For more information, contact Dixie Evatt at
Dallas: MYSTERY READERS’ GROUP is offered by the Skyline Branch of the Dallas Public Library, 6006 Everglade. The group meets at 10:30 AM one Saturday morning a month for book chat and refreshments. Everyone is welcome! Call the library for directions or more information: 214-670-0938.
Houston: MURDER BY THE BOOK reading group meets once a month (usually a Wednesday evening, unless a signing event interferes), 7-9 PM, at Murder by the Book, 2342 Bissonnet. Group led by customer Steven Sill. No fee. Selected books are listed on the store’s website and stocked at the store two months prior to the meeting. For more information, call 713-524-8597 or 1-888-4AGATHA.
Irving: MIDWEEK MYSTERIES meets on the first Wednesday of each month, from noon to 1 PM, at the Irving Central Library, 801 W. Irving Blvd. “Our books are chosen by the members and we generally choose to read by author or theme, rather than specific titles. This allows greater access to books for all members. MWM is fairly informal, focusing on characters and likes/dislikes rather than literary style. We provided beverages and encourage readers to bring their lunch to the meeting! MWM has been meeting for 11 consecutive years!” For more information, contact Carla Morgan at 972-721-2608 or
Tomball: MYSTERY BOOK GROUP meets at the Tomball College and Community Library, 30555 Tomball Parkway, in Room L212 on the 4th Thursday of each month (except for November and December, when the group meets on the 3rd Thursday due to the holidays). For more information, contact Georgia Owens at 832-559-4200 or
Middlebury: MYSTERY READERS GROUP looking for new members! For more information, contact Jennifer Nelson at 802-388-7008.
Manassas: BULL RUN MYSTERY GROUP meets on the second Monday of each month, 7-8 PM at the Bull Run Public Library, 8051 Ashton Avenue. For information, call 703-792-4500.
Woodbridge: THIRD THURSDAY THRILLERS meets the third Thursday of each month from 7-9 PM at Potomac Community Library, 2201 Opitz Blvd. We are part of the Prince William County Public Library System. For more information, call 703-494-8126.
Auburn: SOUTHEND SLOOTHS meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month at 5:30 PM. Meets in a private home. Books are chosen by members. Contact info:
Oak Harbor: OAK HARBOR MYSTERY READERS GROUP meets the last Thursday of the month at 3 PM in the Oak Harbor Library’s meeting room. Members of the group are encouraged to read at least one of the works by each month’s chosen author and to suggest other authors for the group to explore. For more information, contact Nancy Rodich Hodges at 360-678-4298.
Olympia: M3 (MYSTERY, MAYHEM AND MURDER) REVIEWERS meets every third Tuesday at 7 PM at Whodunit? Books, 301 E. Fourth Avenue. “We have a rule (the only one!) that we’re going to talk about the ending, so everyone should be ready to do that. After we finish talking about the book, everyone shares another book they’ve read that month that they really enjoyed.” For more information, contact Linda Dewberry at or 360-352-8252.
Seattle: MYSTERY LOVER’S BOOK GROUP meets on the last Sunday of every month at 4:30 PM. Two books are read by members each month for compare and contrast. Usually we follow monthly sub-genres and books are chosen in advance. For more info: Look for Mystery Lover’s Book Group in the Seattle area and join our meetup for all the details!
Seattle: SEATTLE MYSTERY READERS CLUB meets on the third Wednesday night of the month at 7 PM at the University Village Barnes and Noble, 2675 NE University Village St.
South Seattle Area: READING & RESTAURANTS meets on the first Thursday of each month at a different restaurant. Restaurants are selected by where the book takes place, a word in the title or where there is great food. For more information, contact Mary Rickard at
Tacoma Area: THE LADIES OF MYSTERY meet on the fourth Saturday of the month at 3:30 PM at Johnny’s At Fife restaurant, 5211 20th Street East, Fife. For more information, contact Collette Bills at
Tacoma: THE TACOMA BORDERS MYSTERY GROUP meets on the third Tuesday of the month from 7-8 PM. For more information, contact Gail Egbers, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA 98447.
Fond du Lac: MYSTERY BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP. The group meets the first Thursday of each month at 7 PM at the Fond du Lac Art Center (60 miles north of Milwaukee). For more information, contact Lorraine Gelly.
Greendale: THE GREENDALE PARK AND RECREATION CRIME FICTION DISCUSSION. The discussions will be held on various Thursdays once a month in the community meeting room at the Greendale Community Learning Center from 7-8:30 PM. Gary Warren Niebuhr, Library Director, will lead the discussion. This discussion group does have a fee and does require advanced registration. Request information from the Park & Recreation Department.
Janesville: MONDAYS ARE MURDER, a mystery book discussion group, is offered on the third Monday of the month at 1:30 PM at the Hedberg Public Library, 316 S. Main St. The group meets in the library’s lower level. Book discussion participants receive a 20% discount at the Ground Floor during the meetings. For more information and a list of titles, visit the group’s web site.
Milwaukee area: THE CLOAK AND CLUE SOCIETY has regular meetings led by various people including Bev DeWeese, Gary Warren Niebuhr and Beth Fedyn. Meetings on the 4th Sunday, 2:30 PM, at Kingo Lutheran Church, 1225 E. Olive St., Shorewood. Their newsletter, The Cloak, tells all plus more. For more information, write to Beth Fedyn, at 2816 N Interlaken Dr, Oconomowoc, WI 53066, or visit the group’s web site.
Madison: MYSTERY BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP at Booked for Murder, 2701 University Avenue; 800-200-5996; e-mail Group meets once a month.
Menasha: MYSTERY READERS’ GROUP meets the third Monday of the month, January through November, in the Gegan Room of the Menasha Public Library, 440 First St. For more information, contact De Dalum at, call 920-967-5166 x720, or visit the library’s web site.
Oconomowoc: MYSTERY BOOK GROUP at Books & Company, Whitman Park Shopping Center, 1039 Summit Ave. Meets the 4th Wednesday of every month. New members welcome.
Newmarket, ONT: COSY UP! meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 PM at the Starbucks in Newmarket; check the group’s website for more information, or e-mail
Newmarket, ONT: LAST MONDAY MYSTERIES meets on the last Monday of each month at 7 PM at local coffee shops; check the group’s website for a reading list and more information, or e-mail
MYSTERY WOMEN, a group of readers, writers, and general enthusiasts of crime fiction who promote, enjoy, and celebrate the writing of women in the genre. Meets every six weeks at various locations. Visitors from other countries welcome. For more information, contact Lizzie Hayes, or see the web site.
London: CRIME READING GROUP meets at Goldsboro Books, 1 Cecil Court, London WC2E 4EZ. The phone number is +44 (0) 207 497 9228. The fax number is +44 (0) 207 836 4545. The e-mail address is
L’Hospitalet de Llobregat: CLUB DE LECTURA DE NOVELA NEGRA de la Biblioteca la Bòbila meets six times a year, the last Wednesday of the month, in January, February, March, May, October and November, at 7 PM in the Library Meeting Room. Contact: Biblioteca la Bòbila,, or see the web site.