Thursday, January 1, 2009

Donald E. Westlake, R.I.P

What a sad ending to a sad year. Donald E. Westlake, Award wining mystery novelist and prolific writer, died New Year's Eve at the age of 75. For the full New York Times article, go here. Donald Westlake was an MWA Grand Master, won three Edgar Awards and an Academy Award nomination for screenplay writing.

I was lucky enough to spend time with him in Cuba with the International Association of Crime Writers several years ago. He was a funny and gentle man.

His books are terrific. Some make you laugh, some put you on the edge of your seat. He had the ability to write in different voices and styles.

75! Way too young.

His next novel, Get Real, is scheduled to be released in April 2009.

Sarah Weinman has a wonderful blog today with links to Westlake Tributes, articles and interviews. Confessions of an Idiosyncratic Mind.
