Monday, January 12, 2009

Top Ten Stupid Things Cops Do in Books

Robin Burcell, mystery author, artist and former cop, was a guest at The Kill Zone
last week. Her topic: Top Ten Stupid Things Cops Do in Books. Readers and writers will find this very useful. We all want the cop stuff to be right, but so often it isn't. Love to hear your comments. Robin's latest mystery is Face of A Killer.

Robin Burcell will be at Left Coast Crime 2009 in Hawaii with a special presentation on March 9. You won't want to miss it. Haven't signed up for Hawaii yet? Don't wait. Programming is just about complete, so if you want to be on a panel, sign up now. Airfares to Hawaii have come down drastically. Join readers and writers and industry professionals at the Unconventional Conventional. Say Aloha to Murder.


At January 12, 2009 7:13 PM , Blogger Frank Price said...

Do these police\detective mistakes apply to different historical and geographical areas?

At January 13, 2009 5:15 AM , Anonymous Robin Burcell said...

Historically there will be differences. Geographically speaking, different agencies do things differently.

They will use different codes, different slang, even some procedure will be different. I tried to point out the more universal things.


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