Monday, January 5, 2009

Police Procedurals 2008: Hawaii 5-0 Award

Left Coast Crime 2009 (March 7-12) will feature three awards. The Lefty (Humorous Mystery), The Bruce Alexander Historical Award and the Hawaii 5-0 (Police procedural). Kate Derie and David Cole proposed the Hawaii 5-0 as a special award this year only, so it's not surprising that Kate Derie of Cluelass fame put together a Fabulous List of Police Procedurals that came out in 2008. I love lists, and this is a terrific one! Thanks, Kate. Great reading for everyone.

Anyone (not just LCC registrants) can nominate a book for the Hawaii 5-0 award. Nominations are due by January 15 and should be sent to: The ballot will be out shortly thereafter.

Airfares are coming down, and now's the time to join Left Coast Crime 2009 on the Big Island of Hawaii! 80 degrees in March. Great programming, interviews, luau, 15 minutes under the palms, a play, and so much more. Rhys Bowen and Barry Eisler, Guests of Honor. Lee Goldberg, Toastmaster. Say Aloha to Murder!

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At January 5, 2009 3:09 PM , Blogger Barry said...

Hi Janet,

Interesting. I'm new at all this and need all the help and contacts I can get.

I write about fish and wildlife and the absurdities of life. If you have an interest in humor and mysteries, you may enjoy my book. Please take a look.




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