Until the latest issue of the
Mystery Readers Journal, I updated Members in the News quarterly in the hardcopy Journal. We are no longer including MRI Mayhem in the hardcopy issues, so we can give more space to articles, reviews and Author! Author! essays. So I decided to update Members in the News more regularly on my Blog. You can also find this information on the Mystery Readers website under Members in the News.
Here's what some of our members are up to!
TIM MALEENEY’s new mystery
Greasing the Pinata is just out. Tim will be on tour. Check his schedule at: http://www.timmaleeny.com/events.php.
HAILEY LIND tells us that her publisher has put her next three Annie Kincaid Art Lover’s books on hiatus. However, she has TWO new series coming out over the next two years: Secondhand Spirits, the first in a new witchcraft series, will be released July 2009. If Walls Could Talk, the first in the Sophie Tanner House Flipping Mysteries, will be coming out in 2010. Both will be released under Penguin's Obsidian label, and under the new pseudonym, Juliet Blackwell (check out her blog at: ww.artloversmysteries.blogspot.com for more information on the name change).
MAAN MEYERS, the the pseudonym of Annette and Marty Meyers have a new historical mystery set in turn-of the century New York. The Organ Grinder came out in October from Five Star/Gale.
NEVER TELL A LIE, a novel of suspense, coming out from William Morrow in January. Hallie’s
1001 Books for Every Mood is one of my all-time favorite gift books. It’s also a great book for every reader, so consider getting a copy for yourself. You’ll find all time favorites, the mood pairings are spot-on. For writers in the group, don’t miss
Writing and Selling Your Mystery Novel: How to Knock ‘em Dead with Style. Ephron is truly a woman of many talents. For more info and fun, go to Jungle Red, Ephron’s blog she shares with Rosemary Harris, Hank Philippi Ryan, Jan Brogan and Roberta Isleib.
KRIS NERI: Hilliard & Harris just published a collection of Kris Neri's short stories, THE ROSE IN THE SNOW: TALES OF MISCHIEF AND MAYHEM. The collection contains some new stories, some of Kris' personal favorites, and her two Derringer Award-winners. Kris will also be teaching a private mystery and thriller structure class for the Guppy Chapter of Sisters in Crime. The six-week class, which will debut in late January 2009, is only open to Guppy members, and will feature Kris' unique approaches to structuring crime novels.
SANDI AULT, author of the WILD mystery series, has Wild Sorrow coming Wild out from Berkley Prime Crime in March. Sandi’s Wild Inferno was chosen as one of the Best Books of 2008 by PW. Wild Indigo won the Mary Higgins Clark Award in 2008.